The Code of Practice sets out the minimum standards that gambling providers must meet when providing gambling products. It is formally called the Gambling and Racing Control (Code of Practice) Regulation 2002. It covers gaming machine licensees, the casino, race and sports bookmaking licensees, interactive gambling, and some lottery providers. It establishes common principles between providers to make sure markets operate efficiently and fairly and to protect consumers.
The Regulation is made pursuant to section 18 of the Gambling and Racing Control Act 1999. This section says that the Gambling and Racing Commission must develop a code of practice for each type of gambling provider in the ACT. A single code of practice covering all licensed or authorised gambling providers has been developed on the basis that there is significant common ground between providers.
Where there is not common ground on certain items, the Code of Practice provides for exemptions or specifies to which licensee a particular section or clause applies. The Regulation can be found here
The Code of Practice provides a consistent approach that gives some protection for all patrons by ensuring that a minimum level of consumer information is available, and covers advertising and promotions, provision of information to patrons, training of staff, and harm minimisation measures. It also provides additional protection for those patrons who may have difficulties using gambling products in a controlled manner.
In July 2014, the ACT Gambling and Racing Commission completed a review of the Code of Practice. Additional information on the review can be found in the final Code of Practice Policy Paper (PDF 990KB).