How to Write A Golf Tournament Sponsorship Letter

The success of your charity golf tournament depends on recruiting sponsors to help cover the costs of the event. Often, the first contact with a potential sponsor will take the form of an outreach letter, and first impressions are critical. Knowing how to write an informative, inspirational and persuasive golf tournament sponsor letter is like crushing your first drive right down the fairway - it sets you on the path to success by putting you in the perfect position to land the support you need.

Make the Introduction Brief and to the Point

Potential sponsors receive regular requests, so be direct and concise when explaining the reason for your communication. A good rule of thumb is to let them know who you are and why you're contacting them. For example:

"My name is Bill Jefferson and I'm contacting you on behalf of Janesville Fire Department Charity Golf Tournament. The event benefits local families displaced by fires, and I'd like to speak with you about sponsoring our tournament."

Identify the Positive Effect Their Support Will Have

Establishing the benefit that a sponsor's support will have on the cause or organization creates an immediate connection. This connection can be either professional or personal in nature, but it should resonate with the potential sponsor and at least earn consideration. One example includes:

"House fires displace 10 families per year in our community, and your support will help them rebuild their lives. All proceeds of the event will be used to provide temporary shelter and household necessities immediately after a traumatic event."

In crafting this portion of the letter, it's important to communicate facts and relate them to how this affects the potential supporter. Ultimately the stronger the connection, the greater the likelihood of successfully attracting golf tournament sponsors.

TIP: A testimonial quote from those positively impacted by past events or past sponsors can be a powerful asset.

Clearly Identify the Ask

Most decision makers are busy people, so it's imperative to quickly and specifically identify your request. Whether you're looking for financial support or the donation of goods and services, clearly ask for it. Outline exactly what you need while taking care to customize each request as much as possible.

Notice how simple and direct these requests for support are:

Sample Golf Tournament Financial Support Request Letter

"We're seeking a financial donation from 10 sponsors for $1,000 each, to cover the cost of the tournament. If this is currently not an option, we welcome any support you can offer."

Sample Tournament Goods or Services Donation Request

"To support our post tournament banquet, we're seeking the contribution of food and beverage items for service to event attendees and participants."

Offer Golf Tournament Sponsorship Levels

Since customizing donation requests can be labor-intensive, offering sponsorship levels is a good option. Not only is this approach easier to administer, but it's more likely to attract a commitment from prospective sponsors since they can select an option that best suits their need. Moreover, it can help increase donations since many decision makers can affordably maximize their organization's visibility.

There are many potential sponsorship opportunities for a golf tournament. Some of the most common include:

Of course, the financial donation for each of these levels will vary widely depending on the size of the event. Using what was done in previous events can be helpful, but starting with the event's financial goal and working backward will be the best place to start for a new golf tournament.

Explain the Benefits of Sponsorship

Charity can be a powerful motive when obtaining donations, but you must explain what sponsors will receive for their support of your event. The benefits of sponsoring a golf tournament can be many, so carefully layout what the sponsor will receive. Some common benefits include:

Provide All the Golf Tournament Details

Business and community leaders respect smart planning, so providing detailed information in your sponsorship request will make them more comfortable with sponsoring your golf tournament. You should provide as much information as possible. Such as:

By providing detailed information, potential sponsors can see that the event will be well run and can dramatically improve the likelihood of their participation.

Wrap Up

Writing a golf tournament sponsorship letter does not have to be difficult or complicated. Simply combine these recommendations with common sense, and you'll be well on your way to attracting supporters that will make your event a success.